Revista Umělec 2006/2 >> Václav Girsa | Lista de todas las ediciones | ||||||||||||
Václav GirsaRevista Umělec 2006/201.02.2006 Jiří Ptáček | new faces | en cs |
If you are looking for a painter whose enthusiasm you can trust, don’t miss Václav Girsa. His pictures are diverse, brutal and funny. Girsa doesn’t limit himself; he paints landscapes, cottages, volcanic eruptions, metal rock groups, abstractions and cats. He does not fear impasto or brushstrokes, and is generally unkind in his treatment of canvas. He manages to thwart accusations of too much delirious punk and intentional dilettantism with mature shortcuts and solid form in portraits or still-lifes of flowers. He plays with the language of geometry, and finds so much uniquely unbalanced composition that orthodox concretists could envy him.
Girsa’s pictures are based on personal experiences, but the alternating sober gazing and exalted hissing makes them a more general message. It seems important that it is not burdened by the usual traumas of painters— the trauma of the topic of the pictures and the trauma of the painting itself. If Girsa is interested in something, he pays attention to it either with maximal affection or with a passion for destruction. Václav Girsa (born October 6, 1969 in Prague) studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, in the studio of Vladimír Skrepl.
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04.02.2020 10:17
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