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How to Commit Telepathy
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Год 2011, 2
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How to Commit Telepathy

Umělec 2011/2


Jim Hollands | User Guide | en cs de

Control of your mind is a military capability.

Telepathy, from the Greek τελε, tele 
meaning “remote” 
and πάθεια, patheia 
meaning “to be affected by”, 
describes the transfer of information 
on thoughts between individuals 
by means other than the five classical senses. 

The term was coined in 1882 
by the classical scholar
Frederic Myers 
to replace the earlier expression 
A person who is able to make use of telepathy 
is said to be able to 
read the minds of others. 

It is a deliberate act 
in the same way that spoken conversation 
is a deliberate act.
Telepathy is, furthermore, 
a figure of communication -
of the communication of feeling 
or “felt” meaning (pathos) 
over distance (tele).

Thought insertion/removal is a symptom of psychosis,
particularly of schizophrenia 
or schizoaffective disorder. 
Psychiatric patients who experience this symptom 
falsely believe that some of their thoughts 
are not their own and that others 
(e.g., other people, aliens, or conspiring intelligence agencies) 
are putting thoughts into their minds 
(thought insertion). 
Some patients feel as if thoughts are being taken out of their minds 
or deleted 
(thought removal). 
Along with other symptoms of psychosis, 
delusions of thought insertion 
may be reduced by antipsychotic medication. 
Psychological symbiosis is a less well established concept. 
It is an idea found in the writings of early psychoanalysts, such as Melanie Klein. 
It entails the belief that in the early psychological experience of the child 
(during earliest infancy), 
the child is unable to tell the difference 
between his or her own mind, 
on one hand, 
and his or her experience of the mother/parent, 
on the other hand. 
This state of mind is called psychological symbiosis; 
with development, it ends, 
but, purportedly, aspects of it can still be detected 
in the psychological functioning of the adult. 
Putatively, the experience of either 
thought insertion
or unconscious memories 
of psychological symbiosis 
may have led to the invention of 
as a notion and the belief that 
Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists believe 
and empirical findings support the idea 
that people with schizotypal personality disorder 
are particularly likely to believe in 

What is commonly thought of as 
I have no doubt, 
be achieved this century. 
Instead of communicating by speech as we do presently,
 we’ll be able to think to each other, 
simply by implants connected to our nervous system 
linking our brains electronically together, 
possibly even over the internet. 

It will completely change 
what it means to be human. 
We won’t need the languages 
that we presently do, 
we’ll need a new language of ideas and concepts 
in order to communicate thoughts 
from brain to brain.

Lyrics and the written word will be used 
to more clearly
denote what is going on 
and it means that they are both equally important. 

By creating a virtual environment 
we create a completely objective environment 

A key to 
is to “be present”. 
That is, be “here” 
and be “now”. 
Still your mind. 
Do not think of any other place. 
Do not think of the past or the future. 
This is the hardest part of 

You remove the messenger and take the message.

This technique attacks the immune system.

I think what we are doing is shifting the boundary, 
not making things transparent. 
Instead of lying by speech, 
you will lie by thought.

Poetry, literature, music and painting 
will dramatically change. 
Unless we think it is humanity itself 
that changes by becoming a telepathic.

At present our method of communication - speech -
is very slow, serial and error prone. 
The potential to communicate 
by means of thought signals alone 
is a very exciting one. 
We will probably have to learn 
how to communicate well in this way though, 
in particular how to send ideas to one another. 
It is not clear whether if I think about an ice cream 

watch these rap niggaz get all up in your guts
my thoughts roughly the same as yours 

- that my thoughts are roughly the same as yours.
We will have to learn about each other’s thoughts. 
Maybe it will be easier than we think, 
maybe not. 
Certainly speech is an old fashioned, 
out dated means of communication.

We are approaching a psychic singularity, 
the psychic impact of an ontology of being.

We cannot prevent the singularity,
that it is coming is an inevitable consequence of
humans’ natural competitiveness
and the possibilities inherent in technology.

The Stargate Project
was the umbrella code name of one of 
several sub-projects established 
by the U.S. Federal Government 
to investigate the reality, 
and potential military and domestic applications, 
of psychic phenomena, 
particularly “remote viewing”: 
the purported ability to psychically “see” events, 
sites, or information 
from a great distance.
These projects were active from the 1970s through 1995,
and followed up early psychic research 
done at The Stanford Research Institute (SRI), 
The American Society for Psychical Research, 
and other psychical research labs.

Currently the U.S. military is funding
synthetic telepathy 
using noninvasive 
brain imaging technology 
like electroencephalography 
to let people communicate thoughts to each other. 

The Pentagon’s division Darpa’s budget
for the next fiscal year 
includes $4 million to start up 
a program called 
Silent Talk. 
The goal is to allow
‘user-to-user communication 
on the battlefield 
without the use of vocalized speech 
through analysis of neural signals.’ 

In 2008, the National Research Council 
and the Defense Intelligence Agency 
released a report suggesting that 
neuroscience might also be useful to 
‘make the enemy obey our commands.’

For example, 
a soldier would ‘think’ a message 
to be transmitted 
and a computer-based speech recognition system 
would decode the EEG signals. 
The decoded thoughts, 
in essence translated brain waves, 
are transmitted using a system 
that points in the direction of the intended target.

Here are some techniques 
used by the Star Gate Project:

The Cinema Method of clearing ones mind, 
using remote viewing as moving pictures, 
is a fundamental next step. 
When watching the cinema screen, 
we all stop talking to ourselves. 
This switches off the internal dialogue, 
the incessant mental conversation 
that we have inside our heads.
Mental silence is the second major initiator
of remote viewing (RV)
Clearing the mind
by focusing Directed Attention on RV 
is the most powerful way of developing
RMCT(remote mind control technology) 
Directed Attention is the guided use of perception 
to study RV. 
Once Directed Attention has been set up, 
it can be used for RV of distant locations.

Command the thalamus to let all sensory data through. 
Go systematically through all six senses 
(remote viewing/ESP is the sixth) 
and clean all the data channels. 
See your attention as a bright star 
epicentred in your thalamus. 
Command the epicentre of attention 
to shine a bright white light of perception 
into the thalamus, 
that becomes coherent 
and focuses down into the mental laser light 
of directed attention. 
Command this mental laser 
to illuminate your entire thalamus 
and focus on the goal of remote viewing.

Command your thalamus to give you 
an unlimited attention span; 
to eliminate all negative programmes; 
to engage all unused neurons and neuronal networks, 
so as to boost your attention 
to directed attention; 
and then elevate this directed attention 
to fixate on remote-viewing data 
being received by your biophysical vehicle. 

Now use this directed attention laser 
to inscribe a cinema screen 
in lines of blue fire, 
drawn in a clockwise direction, 
in your mind’s eye. 
This is the cinema screen, 
upon which you will see the remote-viewing picture 
relayed to you by your biophysical field 
located at the remotely-viewed target site. 
Once you have drawn the cinema screen, 
fill it with blue fire; 
see a blue screen of lambent energy 
which now faces your mental gaze.

Then visualize your directed attention 
travelling from your thalamus, 
through the cinema screen, 
which is the doorway into the biophysical realm. 
As this occurs, 
visualize the screen becoming transparent, 
a perfect medium for the information 
you will pick up from your biophysical field. 
This practice initiates your biophysical consciousness 
to become aware of the outside world. 
The mental cinema screen can be thought of 
as the entrance to the world of psi; 
simply by stepping through it, 
your attention can be transported 
to anywhere you wish to go. 
It is a magic doorway to the great beyond.

Next, practice your remote viewing 
from this state of consciousness. 
Use this ‘magic doorway’ approach 
to remote viewing 
and project your awareness 
to the places you wish to psychically view. 
With practice, 
every time you engage directed attention 
on the cinema screen, 
your brain and biophysical fields 
will automatically engage 
the cinema method programme. 
By positive feedback, 
the practice of directed attention 
will make you more and more efficient at ERV(extended remote viewing).

Use directed attention 
to inscribe the cinema screen 
and will your biophysical field 
to travel to the target to be remotely viewed. 
Use the mental laser light 
of directed attention 
as the cursor in the biophysical cyberspace 
of your paranormal world, 
to direct your biophysical field 
to the target. 
Once at the target site, 
command your biophysical field 
to transmit information, 
via its quantum computer link to your brain, 
to your cinema screen.

This technique can be used 
to enter into remote-viewing bilocation, 
where you feel you are actually 
at the target site, 
as if you were in a lucid dream.

This strong intersubject correlation 
shows that, 
despite the completely free viewing 
of dynamical, complex scenes, 
individual brains “tick together” 
in synchronized spatiotemporal patterns 
when exposed to the same visual environment.

Our data suggests that achieving 
a tight control over viewers’ brains 
during a movie requires, 
in most cases, 
intentional construction 
of the film’s sequence through aesthetic means.

In the mid 1990’s, 
Dr. Stuart Hameroff at the University of Arizona, 
and Oxford’s Sir Roger Penrose 
proposed that quantum processes 
might be involved in the emergence of human consciousness.
Penrose is well known for his work in mathematics 
and the physics of black holes. 
The idea of creating a synthesis 
of quantum teleportation and brain function 
quickly followed as a theory of telepathy. 
In the Penrose-Hameroff theory, 
the shape of certain structures in the brain 
are controlled by the location of single electrons, 
the quantum of electric charge, 
and these structures resemble quantum computing circuits. 

There is no place for dissent 
or independence research.
The troublesome artist will be eliminated
or absorbed.
The elite lives happily ever after
at the top of a control state
that makes 1984 look 
cozy and nostalgic.

The word 
is misleading. 
Organic communication 
would be a more accurate designation, 
since the whole organism is involved. 
You transmit and receive 
as much with your big toe 
as you do with your brain 
and what is transmitted 
is a strong emotional reaction, 
not neural data like 
triangles, circles and squares.

In order to prepare oneself for 
telepathic communication, 
first of all clear your mind. 
You can do this by closing your eyes 
and taking a nice, deep breath. 
Release the breath slowly. 
Continue this, 
and begin to count the exhalation. 
Take nice, easy, slow breaths. 
Continue counting to 20. 
Disregard sensory data, 
thoughts, emotions, and the like. 
Repeat as necessary. 
This method is good 
because it gives your conscious mind 
something to do 
while calming your subconscious mind.

Alternatively pretend that some sound 
will occur in the future, 
and just listen for it. 
For a short time, 
your consciousness will stop all processing 
and go into a quiesced state. 
As you practice, 
increase the length of time that you listen.

Then you have to find your target’s mind.
The first method you can use 
is to recall information about your target. 
To do so, you could remember the feeling 
that person gave you upon meeting. 
If you spoke to the person, 
you could remember their voice or vocal tones, 
and Send to the person with that particular voice.
You could also recall their physical appearance. 
One method the Russians were fond of 
in their experiments 
was mentally visualizing the target’s face 
or physical body.

Pinging is a way to send 
a small message to a person, 
usually fun ‘hallo!’s or facepalm or something.
The most common and simple way 
to ping a person is thinking at them. 
The first step is acquiring the target. 
The second step is thinking 
while directing your thoughts at this person. 
One method of this is sub-vocalization. 
Sub-vocalization is thinking with the intent to speak, 
or thinking just below the vocal level. 
To send a simple ping, 
one would simply think a concept at a person.
In order to add strength to a ping, 
it is common to send a burst of energy 
towards the target 
at the same time as the ping.

Pulse Sending is sending short messages. 
Pulse Sending as a process is very simple, 
however, the process is such that 
it can only send very short, simple concepts, 
in order to do so in rate with the heartbeat.
The Russians used this to communicate 
with submarines deep under pack ice. 
The result was a clear message, 
due to both the simplicity of the concept 
and the repetitive sending of such.

The nature of Pulse Sending 
is such that it can be done quickly and efficiently, 
with very little preparation or skill.
There is only one real way 
to go about Pulse Sending, and that can be detailed in steps. 
The first step is, 
as in all telepathic applications, 
to identify a target. 
Once you have identified the target, 
you should focus on what you want to Send. 
For instructional purposes, 
we will use the example of the color Red. 
Once you have identified both a target 
and a signal to send, 
begin thinking, like in pinging, 
at the target. 
Mentally “push forward” at the target, 
while visualizing the target’s face. 
Push forward each time your heart beats, 
for 20 seconds. 
Wait 5 seconds, and repeat.

Broadcasting can be used 
to influence large crowds, 
because it can send information 
in a “field” around someone. 
This method is extremely useful 
for releasing information to an area or a group, 
as it is much more efficient 
than Sending to each person, 
and is often used in times of panic, 
as it is a natural survival method. 
Humans instinctively broadcast emergencies, 
whether they like it or not. 

One method for Broadcasting 
is very simply “mentally shouting.” 
If you’re familiar with your mental voice, 
and we all should be, 
because it is the fundamental basis of human thought, 
this is simply changing that voice 
from a normal talk to a 
loud shouting.
If done properly, 
there should be a pressure 
or rising feeling at or moving 
to the top of the head. 
This may take a while to develop, 
but shouldn’t be longer 
than a matter of seconds.

Another method of Broadcasting 
is something we do very often. 
Stewing, or thinking single-mindedly 
about a single thing, 
is a form of broadcasting, 
and should be picked up by various sensitives 
and even semi-sensitive Nons in the area.
The third and final method 
is one you’ve been expecting, 
simply Sending at a region.

Espionage is the primary use 
for Scanning and Probing. 
Scanning and Probing are both 
methods of getting information from a target, 
potentially an enemy, 
without their immediate consent.
Another primary use of Scanning, 
not as much so Probing, 
is determining energetic information 
of another individual, 
be it friend or foe.
This is the general concept understood 
when one says Mind Reading, 
specifically how a person 
gains unchecked access to information 
from an individual, 
whether the person is 
presently thinking it or not. 
The first step here is acquiring the target. 
For this particular exercise, 
you should begin by extending a tendril 
from the edge of your mind or shields. 
This process is difficult to describe, 
but can be done using the visualization method 
amongst those who have 
programmed their subconscious 
to manipulate Psi 
and perform acts based on biofeedback.

Reach the tendril towards the target, 
because a forceful scan/probe 
can be extremely painful,
and less than covert. 
For a cursory scan of surface thoughts, 
simply brush the tendril 
against the edge of the target’s mind, 
or energy field. 
For a probe, 
push the tendril into the mind, 
rooting around 
and navigating to find what you want.

Suggestion is a simple application 
of telepathic Sending. 
Suggesting can be performed 
by use of the Pulse Sending method. 
The difference is, in Suggestion, 
the object is to have the target 
perform an action, 
summarily, basic mind control. 

The first step, 
as always, 
is to acquire the target. 
Once you have acquired the target, 
begin pulse-sending the concept of the action. 
In this case “Worldwide General Strike 12/12/12” 
While doing this, 
vividly picture the target not getting out of bed on 12/12/12.
Another method of doing this would be Sending 
“You wish to strike” or, 
mimicking their mental voice, 
“I would like to strike on 12/12/12.”
If you wish to Send 
complex instructions to the target, 
walk them through the process 
step by step, 
or if the action includes several logical steps, 
suggest to them that they want the result, 
while visualizing them performing the steps.

Projection is the “Broadcasting” of Suggestion. 
While suggestion is suggesting 
to a single person to perform an action, 
Projection is the Sending of sensory input 
to a region. 
For this example, 
we will project the illusion of
David Cameron having a heart attack. 
To do this, a target person is not necessary, 
but rather a target location, 
in this case, 
10 Downing Street.
Once you have determined a location 
broadcast the image or thought of 
David Cameron dying. 

Actually see the person, 
while broadcasting the image of it to 10 Downing Street.
While people may not see it immediately, 
people will act as if they see it. 
As another example, 
if someone were to project a bomb in the 10 Downing Street,
the people in the area may move 
to avoid that area 
(consciously or subconsciously, 
depending on their level of sensitivity 
to telepathic Sending), 
or even act afraid of it.

However, it seems the older you get 
(especially if you drink regularly), 
the more your reception deteriorates in quality. 
Still, last week, I was standing at the bar 
and I suddenly had this crystal clear thought, 
Then this guy next to me 
turns round to his girlfriend 
and says, 
“I’d love to rob a bank”. 
It’s like a psychic Mexican wave.

The “telepathic structure” 
thus becomes 
the thought of the literary text 
as reading-machine, 
as reading-effect, 
that is as always in advance 
including, foreseeing, its addressee...
without knowing where it is going, 
who is speaking or who is listening, 
and at what distance. 

Telepathy or second sight 
is in essence 
a metaphor for reading. 

Dismantle the wall 
between an author and their work.

Telepathy is a topic 
which is closely bound up 
with psychoanalysis, 
but with which psychoanalysis cannot come to terms. 
The question of telepathy shakes psychoanalysis 
to its core. 
It is difficult to believe 
a theory of the unconscious 
without a theory of telepathy. 
They can be neither confused nor disassociated. 
Telepathy is a foreign body within psychoanalysis. 
Telepathy is part of, 
and inexorably linked to, 
an explosion of telemedia and teleculture. 
If psychoanalysis disturbs 
and even traumatises 
reason’s relation to itself, 
then think what telepathy can do.

I’m thinking of a brick wall.
Think of a brick wall. 
A brick wall.


ivan stránský | 06.09.2019 19:13
Podle Schrödingerovy rovnice a pokusů s dvojí štěrbinou je prokázáno, že elektrony ve spinu si předávají informaci okamžitě, bez vlivu jejich vzdálenosti.
Amanda | 29.03.2014 04:21
I had a manic episode a couple of years ago, my first, and since then have been unable to completely get rid of the idea that people can hear me thinking or that a couple of thoughts I get now and then that "feel" like they come from non-standard locations in my brain are actually garbled translations of somebody else's thoughts. As such, this piece made me want to kill and scream and destroy everything, the way I feel destroyed. (And I'm a 34-year-old woman who doesn't usually go in for violent crime, except possibly against myself, by myself.) I really just think and feel like I'm naked and smeared with my own shit a lot of the time and begging not to be looked or laughed at while I bark out obscenities against my own will. This happens when I'm having conversations or pass people on the street. I don't know what I look like. Preoccupied? Sometimes I flinch a little. Anyway, That's My Experience With the Sensation of Telepathy, or More Accurately, "Telepathy." I hate this symptom. I hate being sick. It's like it's all I do.

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