DIVUS LONDON: Return Of The Art Dead | Show where we starts at the end
[b]Return Of The Art Dead[/b] | Show where we starts at the end

Return Of The Art Dead | Show where we starts at the end

06.12.2006 18:00

Divus | en

The space of "final non-waftaway"

...and is the innaugural exhibition of the Divus Unit 30 space.

Rafani (Czech Republic)
The art group Rafani was founded in the year 2000 by four students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. In the seven years of their existence, Rafani realized some fifty exhibitions and events in the Czech Republic and abroad. From the beginning they were received with substantial media attention and interest of the professional community... For the first six years they carefully recorded their activities on the website www.rafani.cz. After they stopped using text in their artistic works, they began anonymously placing short records from performances on the Youtube server and leaving white or black circles as signatures. (Lenka Vítková)

James Hollands (United Kingdom)
James Hollands in Umelec magazine (Here)...
James Hollands in Umelec magazine (Telepathy)...

Jakup Ferri (Kosovo)
The young artist puts forward a question: „Maybe I am late, because everything has been said and done“. A bothersome and discouraging question one might say, especially in countries which are „late“ themselves. Quite astonishingly, this delay inspires Jakup Ferri to produce his tongue-in-cheek comments: We are late, so what? Francis Bacon once said that by standing on the shoulders of a giant, the dwarf can see much further. If we unfortunately are dwarves to our predecessors, we still have the right to be whatever we are, or the right to, at least, riducule one another, don’t we. In the video Don’t tell anybody, Ferri counts the number of grains in one kilo of rice. In medieval times, scholars engaged in heated arguments over the number of angels balancing on the point of a needle. For purpose. Scholars of modern day materialism counts the number of grains in rice. For no purpose. (Shkëlzen Maliqi)

Todosch Schlopsnies (Germany)
Todosch Schlopsnies in Umelec magazine...
In 2000, Thorsten Schlopsnies—aka Todosch—attempted to attack the ongoing Hannover Expo with a paramilitary convoy. He intended to raze it all to the ground, but the police stopped him. A few years later, he had dog teeth implanted into his jaw, and he established the myth of a Dog Tunnel (Hundetunnel) in Chicago—an event that has yet to be sufficiently documented. Even though the details have become so veiled, its legend has been spread by word-of-mouth.....Return Of the Art Dead will present his marble sculptures: You are confronted by a huge robust but dynamic sandstone statue. You gaze at it, admiring its strange but familiar shapes. The statue has a grim but hearty expression. Is it an animal or some abstract conglomerate? What does it remind you of? Oh yes. It’s the elemental features of a Pokemon character, rendered as a multi-ton monument. (Halka Tresnakova).

Oliver Pietsch (Germany)
Oliver Pietsch in Umelec Magazine (Media)...
Oliver Pietsch in Umelec magazine (Blasphemy)...

Gabriel Acevedo Velarde (Peru/Mexico)
Gabriel Acevedo Velarde is an artist. Born in Lima, Peru, in 1976; lives and works in Mexico City and Sao Paulo.
Gabriel Acevedo Velarde organizes his work in projects, which are developed of different through several mediums such as drawings, animation, performance or video. the common denominator the will to point towards the ordered and chaos that resolve from destroying this system, as well as narrating fictitious situations.
Acevedo V shows a particular view of the world and human condition through biting critiques to the contemporary world, the basic premise is his work is recognizing his own complicity with that world. The content of his work shows the excess of egocentrism, the enthusiastic faith on scientific knowledge, compulsively repeated traumatic situations, and a sexual energy that at the same time corrupts and harmonizes a cartoonish manner.

06.12.2006 18:00


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