Zeitschrift Umělec 2001/3 >> Mother Act Übersicht aller Ausgaben
Mother Act
Zeitschrift Umělec
Jahrgang 2001, 3
6,50 EUR
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Mother Act

Zeitschrift Umělec 2001/3


Ivan Mečl | neuigkeiten | en cs

In July, Universal NoD gallery saw an action of parental activists fighting for the emancipation of art within the family. Their manifesto attempted to convince us that artists/parents were being oppressed by a mass of lonely and antisocial artists/non-parents. These goons have too much time for their art and self-promotion through various excesses and are too easily able to win the artistic award of Pantheon. The exhibition imitated fatherly might and motherly post-coital provocation. Lenka Klodová, the provocateur and artist impossible to control, stood out in the show with her pornographic variations and metaphors, which have disturbed a number of curatorial projects. This time she showed Islands of Desire — origami constructed out of pornographic lust and installed according to the law of the jungle.
The best works shown at the exhibition Magnetic Fields in Gallery Jelení stole the show, confounding the original concept by the curatorial unit. The best of the bunch were by ostensible curator Vladimír Skrepl with his cat fur hanging from the ceiling (Cat Killer) and Josef Bolf with his misty painting of cutsies communicating in a utopian meadow plateau.


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