Born in 1975, Macke studies at the visual communication studio with Jiří David at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.
Having experience with teaching, Macke chooses sophisticated themes, executing them conceptually. His major works include the series of large format paintings Unrealized Objects, which shows unbelievably constructed architectural shapes in a fauvist-colored landscape. The shapes refer to Malevich’s suprematism. The paintings look like an inappropriate question asked at the wrong moment, but at the same time they are a well-conceived metaphor for our all-too-familiar absurdities. Taboo is Macke’s other favorite theme. Religion versus pornography is the most obvious choice, yet Macke balances out this hazy boundary by shifting the meanings of Christian icons combining them with porn and political issues such as current armed conflicts. One of the most successful executions of this theme includes a subtle installation entitled God Never Leaves Us Anywhere, emphasizing racist issues through the symbols of the Church. Macke is able to work with up-to-date themes while restraining from slipping in personal views, which allows them to manifest in a point-blank way.
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