Umělec magazine 2000/6 >> Jaroslav Matula | List of all editions. | ||||||||||||
Jaroslav MatulaUmělec magazine 2000/601.06.2000 Lenka Lindaurová | new faces | en cs |
Born in 1977, Matula has studied since 1999 in Petr Kvíčala’s studio at FaVU (the Department of Fine Arts at the Technical University in Brno).
Matula’s simple concept relies on his relationship to a mutant figure, an undefined creature, strangely remote. As for Matula’s identity, he creates a whole set of different logos analogous to a wide range of commercial products. He created the company Mutant Industries for his mutant, subversively pasting the company’s logo, which features a stylized explosion throughout a number of cities. The transfer of various images to the perfunctory language of logos offers infinite possibilities to legitimately change your identity. The mutant does it visually and gently — it is as if each logo corresponded to a different identity. The artist’s next step is to put the logo on a large-format canvas, painting it by hand (the logos are all designed on the computer). The abstract, esthetic paintings, however, only represent enlarged details of yet another brand trademark.
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04.02.2020 10:17
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