Umělec magazine 2002/2 >> Michaela Nociarová, Mária Čorejová List of all editions.
Michaela Nociarová, Mária Čorejová
Umělec magazine
Year 2002, 2
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Michaela Nociarová, Mária Čorejová

Umělec magazine 2002/2


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Michaela Nociarová (b. 1976) studied at the College of Fine Arts in Bratislava, in Daniel Fischer’s studio of free creation. She received her doctorate from Professor Berger’s department of painting.
Mária Čorejová (b. 1975) studies at the College of Fine Arts in Bratislava, in Fischer’s studio of free creation. She participated in a two-year residency program at the University of Pennsylvania and Texas. Currently she is finishing up her doctorate studies at the Fine Arts College.

Michaela and Mária first teamed up for their semester project at the Fine Arts College. Themes they had previously addressed began to converge at that time, but their approaches and viewpoints have remained distinct. Both attempt to capture the nearly imperceptible, forgotten or overlooked moments of reality. Their works extend from classic painting through work in situ, from photography to video — but it is their artistic concepts that make them most distinct.
Their first collaboration was on a series of paintings titled Obrazárna (Picture Gallery). Each of them painted according to written guidelines set by the other. When presenting the result of this work they emphasized the conceptual quality of the project: The paintings were exhibited in a dark room and only the letters describing the paintings were lit up. They perfected this principle in the project Společná hladina–Cesta od mojí reality k tvému obrazu (Common Level–A Path From My Reality to Your Painting, 2000). In this series of video projects, one of the artists physically creates an image on
the basis of commentary/navigation by the other artist (using a
mobile telephone, music, etc). One artist’s concept-vision of the image combines here with the form the other artist creates. The meaning of individual authorship fades away. For this pair, the process of creation (and not only in painting) is more important than the result.
In their latest project, Společná hladina–Tvoje stopy v moji realitě (Common Level–Your Traces in My Reality, 2001), they chose to take a different approach: no communication, no interference, no influence. Instead they explore whether they are able to find a common
level without direct communication.



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