DIVUS LONDON: NEW BOOK: Mike Diana's RIP | |||||||||||||
NEW BOOK: Mike Diana's RIP19.01.2017 - 17.02.2017DIVUS LONDON | en |
Mike Diana is the only American artist who has been arrested and prosecuted for his work. That happened more than 20 years ago and today he’s one of the most internationaly known underground cartoonist. Nevertheless, his style remains unblunted and his reputation continues to be that of deadly dark humor with unexpectedly weird punchlines.
A new book of horror, fun, unexpected adventure and disaster by Mike Diana. Recent cartoons and drawings with some rare findings from Mike’s archive. You will find stories such as exotic drama Chosen Survivor, urban myth about the secret behind the fence, druggy, maddening, raving Drink Cat Party, Firebrat desperately looking for good deeds, The Key about nobody’s winning, deadly disgusting Sex Shack and a lot more. All that on strong paper you can hardly rip by crumpling with laughter or shaking in fear.
- 17.02.2017
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