DIVUS LONDON: BURN, BABY, BURN! | Dead Workers Union Strike | |||||||||||||
BURN, BABY, BURN! | Dead Workers Union Strike25.03.2016 19:00 - 23.04.2016DIVUS LONDON | en cs |
Demand "no artwork for white supremacy culture!"Dead Workers Union Strike demands "no artwork for white supremacy culture!" DEad WOrkers Union (DEWOU-DAMTP) was never founded so far. DAMTP- DAta Miners & Travailleurs Psychique was founded on the basis of Alytus Art Strike meeting in 2009 and because of troubles DEWOU to be accepted as 000 IU at IWW (the section to include precarious 010, unwaged 020 and unemployed 030 workers). The IWW classify workers industrially from 100-600, under three main categories of industry of a modern, capitalist economy: extraction of materials, production of goods, and provision of services. This very roughly corresponds with the use of Land in the 3rd World (100 Agriculture, 200 Mining), Labour in the 2nd World (300 Construction, 400 Manufacture) and Capital in the 1st World (500 Transportation 600 Services). Since this system is from the early 1900s when the international Communist movement was in its first amplic phase, capital production has further developed. 2004’s IWW Commitee on industrial classification recommended that the classification be altered in order to account for this development. However this would have expanded the representation of workers in the First World (in Capital intensive production) , effectively mirroring the amplification of bourgeois control in the form of Enterprise as the 4th factor of production and Entrepeneurship as an industrial locus of workers. In 2012 IWW HQ officially distanced themselves from DAMTP as 007/700 and DEWOU-DAMTP 000 IU’s so further dividing part of IWW’s into Illegitimate Workers of the World branch.
STOP DUALISM – BAN THE ZONES OF BOURGEOIS DEVELOPMENT! Alytus Psychic Strike Biennial is yielding a ground for DAMTP counter-eurocentrist manifestations, denouncing the structural core of racist issues in serious (white) culture of biennalization, rising the decolonization of mind including Black Power experience and subversion of "normalization" processes into abnormalization fiest where every two years psychic workers and data miners are joyfully celebrating the death of art.
ATTACK WHITE SUPREMACIST CULTURE! DAMTP is a labour union for workers, who make meaning, who work on the extraction, development, generation, control, transfer and communication of meaning.
As a psychic workers we distanced ourselves from the role of the art workers because the basis of art workers solidarity is a basis of the imperialism of art and the wholly anti-working class basis of art. The question is can we as workers unionise in order to build working class power. Our answer has been to reject, resist and attack art itself just as revolutionary workers unionisation is against work itself. We aim at new possibility of interpersonal relationship practices of (non)humans without capitalist specialization and alienation resulted by bourgeois culture.
We work with other workers unions and workers councils around the world.
Book "Let's be Part of The System" by Redas Dirzys
Supported by Lithuanian Culture Institute
25.03.2016 19:00
- 23.04.2016
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04.02.2020 10:17
Letošní 50. ročník Art Basel přilákal celkem 93 000 návštěvníků a sběratelů z 80 zemí světa. 290 prémiových galerií představilo umělecká díla od počátku 20. století až po současnost. Hlavní sektor přehlídky, tradičně v prvním patře výstavního prostoru, představil 232 předních galerií z celého světa nabízející umění nejvyšší kvality. Veletrh ukázal vzestupný trend prodeje prostřednictvím galerií jak soukromým sbírkám, tak i institucím. Kromě hlavního veletrhu stály za návštěvu i ty přidružené: Volta, Liste a Photo Basel, k tomu doprovodné programy a výstavy v místních institucích, které kvalitou daleko přesahují hranice města tj. Kunsthalle Basel, Kunstmuseum, Tinguely muzeum nebo Fondation Beyeler.
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