[b]AUTOPSIA: WELTUNTERGANG |[/b]  pogrom exhibition

AUTOPSIA: WELTUNTERGANG | pogrom exhibition

21.10.2011 19:00 - 10.11.2011

Divus | en cs

Výstava manifestačních plakátů seskupení Autopsia a uvedení jejího zvláštního vydání hudebního projektu Weltuntergang s filmovým doprovodem. Zazní například: Lebensherrgabe, Weltuntergang theme I, Kristal, Desires and Powers, Archipelag, Monster and Mad Point, Prague – The Spectre of the Sound a další.

The subject will wake up from the sleep. The discovery of the horrible delusion, the collapse of the dreamful truth, shall appear in the figure of the death. “Only death puts our representation to an end; only then the real life begins, only then shall we see the reality as it really is”. Only death shall disenchant the bedazzled and, for the moment, make him see clearly his blindedness, make him discern the truth as an illusion, comprehend the methodic acquiring of knowledge as a baroque play, irregular and disordered, perceive the world as a multitude of unexplainable images, hieroglyphs, incoherent fragments which suddenly, in the moment of death, for the moment, but perfectly clear, “show that the logic of the body, of the feelings, of the life and the death, does not coincide with the logic of the power, nor with the logic of the notion”. In the moment of death, when one, nevertheless, reaches the final point of the baroque labyrinth, the mad monster shall wake from the sleep only to discover the illusion, to discover that he objectified his own imaginary into exteriority and as exteriority, to see that he lived his entire life detached from the life, that he spent his entire life in death, blinded by himself. “And so the man, wretched, hungry, dies while living and lives while dead”. Paradoxically, the life will be revealed only if viewed from the perspective of the death, the truth will show itself only from the delusion. Res cogitans shall then, while dying, while living only in the moment of dying, discover the truth of the blind not as vision but as deception, not as the truth but as an delusion, it will see itself as deluded blind, as the blind who is blinded by the lust for himself and his own power.

Artworks and more by Autopsia


Newspaper AutopsiaAutopsia newspaper in PDF

21.10.2011 19:00 - 10.11.2011


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