DIVUS PRAHA: DIRTY JOB: Perla is calling you!
[b]DIRTY JOB[/b]: Perla is calling you!

DIRTY JOB: Perla is calling you!

01.08.2014 - 19.09.2014

Divus | en cs

The big dirty work begins. Join us and let’s build together a National Gallery of our own!

There is no need you join a war to feel like a hero. There is no need you wallow on this or that side of a barricade to get dirty from head to toe and stink like a stray dog. Closer than you would believe there are exciting and risky experiences awaiting you. Come and build the Perla with us. A place for the brave on the ruins of all Utopias.

After decades of state cultural institutions decay we decided to make difficult step.

We call for all those who want to help with the dirty work. We start to clear out and clean up our National Gallery building, to renovate and rebuild and also, to revitalize the garden. Snacks, drinks, place to rest & some fun now and then will be provided despite the tough conditions of the rundown factory compound. Those interested please contact us here on FB, at perla@divus.cc or at +420 602 269 888 and we will give you more information and arrange all that is needed.

Thank you and we hope to see us.

More about PERLA see here.
PERLA | building of National gallery.

On the left bank of the Vltava river, on the southern outskirts of Prague, there emerges Perla. A new town for all who create. A paper making factory that has laid abandoned for more than a decade will be settled not only by those who create but, together with them, all those who are vital for a self-sufficient community to survive and thrive.

We stand at the beginning and there is a lot of work ahead of us. Divus has already started to build a National Gallery, a cafe and facilities for creative work. We are looking for the founders of a National Theatre and all other professions and inhabitants who want to start somewhere else, anew.

Ateliers, studios, offices, workshops, larger manufacturing and commercial spaces are available. In the nearest future we plan to reconstruct and to rent out the already existing apartments and to offer short-term accommodation.

The Perla is not just another of the short-lived gentrification projects, but a town with a future to be created by its inhabitants.

01.08.2014 - 19.09.2014


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