[b]MÁNES NEEDS YOU |[/b] election

MÁNES NEEDS YOU | election

18.05.2013 14:00

Divus | en cs

Saturday 18.5.2013 14:00

The initiative Mánes umělcům (Mánes for Artists) aims at a transformation of Nadace českého výtvarného umění (Czech Visual Art Fund) which administers the exhibition hall Mánes into a transparently organized institution that can better serve the artistic community.

For this purpose the initiative has organized democratic elections of new nine members of the fund's board who should replace the current ones and who will represent wide spectrum of artists, curators and theoreticians living in the Czech Republic. Elections will take place on May 18 from 2pm at DIVUS café. There will be also a „round table discussion“ during the vote.

For more information about the elections or the initiative see http://manes-umelcum.tumblr.com/

18.05.2013 14:00


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