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Year 2001, 1
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…Bugger Off, TV!

Umělec magazine 2001/1


Martin Zet | news | en cs

“Freedom of speech” is one of those formulations charged with extraordinary power, one phrase within a larger grouping of phrases, all of which — if deftly employed — are capable of striking weapons from hands and arguments from mouths. Yes, freedom of speech, human rights, equality, liberty, fraternity, and — especially in post-communist countries — the free market. Swaying supporters to your camp in a fight for a virtuous cause is an easy matter, especially when politicians in political parties do not even comprehend that “for the sake of democracy” (another beloved magic formula) they have no right to rule over public media. It’s too bad reporters from the more congenial camp in the December 2000 battle over Czech TV had already revealed their notion of independent reporting during the meeting of world financial institutions during those sad September days in Prague last year. Freely expressed statements of bias reveal either a careful way of selecting employees (well-regulated personnel policies) or unfree minds.
Following long contemplation on how to constructively help society through today’s confusing times (some at our center still recall the communist regime’s policy of only acknowledging constructive criticism — if anything was acknowledged at all), we at the Zet Center for Contemporary Arts, Libušín have decided to solve our TV station dilemma by looking to Albania. Remaining true to democratic traditions, they honored the voice of the people by changing one of their TV channels’ names to Neser TV, or “Bugger Off, TV.” We here at the center believe that Neser could also work in the Czech Republic (along with a nice logo, of course). And because there are some couch potatoes in our ranks, we have to confess, with some distress, that it might even be suitable for all the country’s channels. If experts and the general public give the thumbs up to our proposal, the only thing left for us to do will be to find out if Albanian TV has already patented the name. Another international lawsuit could annihilate the Czech TV industry once and for all. On the other hand, that might bring about unexpected and unimaginable relief, especially for TV addicts.
FMZ! 17 January 2001, Libušín

ZCCA—Libušín is now calling for entries to an anonymous international competition to design a logo for the Czech TV station: Bugger Off, TV!
The concept: The logo should express the suggested name using any means.
Mission: The new name and logo must remind viewers (including unlicensed viewers, such as expatriates visiting their homeland and foreigners who understand the Czech language, or at least one or two words of it) to remain aware of whether the channel has yet surpassed all limits in underestimating its viewers’ intelligence and sense of judgment. It should also serve as a reminder to TV employees not to abuse the privilege of one-way broadcasting.

1. All entries must include a numberless version (Bugger Off, TV!) and a numbered version (Bugger Off, TV!1, Bugger Off, TV!2, etc.)
2. Entrants are allowed to work with the placement and size of the logo. The only limitation is the size of the TV screen.
3. Each entry must be marked with an identification number that can be matched to the contents of a separate, sealed envelope containing the name of the designer/s, and a home address, telephone number and e-mail address.
4. A participant may send more than one proposal.
5. All entries must not be smaller than A5 format or larger than B0 format. They must be two-dimensional. Three-dimensional proposals will be considered only if they represent an unusual artistic solution.
6. All entries must be sent to ZCCA—Libušín, P. O. Box 21, 273 06 Libušín, Czech Republic. The postmark should not be later than 1 July 2001.
7. All entries become the property of ZCCA—Libušín, which has the right to take further liberties with them. They may also be exhibited but only under the condition that the names of the designers will be stated, unless they expressly wish to remain anonymous.

An international panel comprised of experts from three continents will judge the entries. If the members of the panel wish, their names will be made public after the winner is announced. Proposals will be ranked according to the following procedure:
1. Twelve entries will be selected from the submitted proposals. Of these, the best three will be ranked from first to third place.
2. The designer of the winning entry will obtain a contract for 50 percent of whatever profits ZCCA—Libušín earns in implementing the change and selling the winning entry to the management of public or private TV channels broadcasting in the Czech Republic and, potentially, Slovakia.
3. The designers of the first three awarded entries will receive a recording of a trial broadcasting with the placement of their logo.
4. The designers of the twelve selected entries will receive an invitation to a press conference followed by the Bugger Off! party.
5. The designers of all entries (maximum 24) will receive the set of postcards: “Anonymous Pragensis.”
6. Selected proposals will be publicly reviewed in an art publication (Umělec, Z-Art).
7. All participants will be notified of the results by 11 November 2001.



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