DIVUS PRAHA: Jiří Sádlo, A countryside where nothing happens / lecture | |||||||||||||
Jiří Sádlo, A countryside where nothing happens / lecture07.01.2013 18:00Divus | en cs |
Monday, January 1, 2013 18:00Jiří Sádlo, A countryside where nothing happens / lectureThe region of Doksy (the countryside between Doksy, Česká Lípa, Mimoň, Osečná, Kuřivody, Bakov a Bělá pod Bezdězem) is a relict region of the lowland taiga. Nine years of its stability shows that this country is driven from the perspectivity of the past. Pine ecosystems haven't changed here for 9000 years, just from the moment of its origination. They didn't react to the Holocene changes of the climate, they haven't been changed by intensification of the forestry or clearcut management. They created their sterile arenic podsoles, eliminated attempts of farming and building big cities. Here, taiga is eternal and immune, thanks to its ability to heal from cultural interventions.
07.01.2013 18:00
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