DIVUS PRAHA: I AM FISHEAD | movie & exhibition | |||||||||||||
I AM FISHEAD | movie & exhibition27.04.2013 19:00Divus | en cs |
Saturday 27.4.2013 19:00What´s wrong with our world? What´s happen? Open your eyes and visit your place a bit like a stranger. Who crossed threshold and looked back and froze. We invite you to the screening a documentary by Misha Votruba and Václav Dejčmar, I am FISHEAD in Divus. A specific document which can not be classified undirectionally. It reflects our society and the world situation from three different perspectives. How much they play with us. What dulls our consciousness and how can we resist? The positive view of the world along with the comments of former President Vaclav Havel and other exceptional thinkers of our time. Accompanied exhibition Visit the World. Téra Pechmannová is trying emphasize the essence of of space and also asks for a few existential questions. What we send? Is the visitor satisfied? Has he a reason to stay? What he learned what he created and where it will go next? As a reason to reflect on our own space. No matter how big is and how many visitors take. The key aspects of the exhibition is the light reflecting in the photogram. Elusive and power of the moment, that light can pass thus becomes the first artist's medium for communication with visitors.
Exhibition opening at 5.30 pm, 27th April. Following screening of the documentary from 7pm. In conclusion DJ Stevie Weenie will play his set.
27.04.2013 19:00
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04.02.2020 10:17
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