DIVUS PRAHA: S.d.Ch.: DEER MOAT | a funerary-apocalyptic gospel
[b]S.d.Ch.: DEER MOAT |[/b] a funerary-apocalyptic gospel

S.d.Ch.: DEER MOAT | a funerary-apocalyptic gospel

02.10.2014 19:00

Divus | en cs

"Filling in the Deer Moat is an old idea. Black magic. ..."

"... A carriage stop on the bridge, at the spot for St. John of Nepomuk was thrown into the Vltava. With the help of a lowering device, a casket is lowered onto a funerary gondola, which will carry it along the river to banks of the Lesser Town, then up Čertovka Creek under the arch of bridge, where the same lowering device will lift it up again onto the same carriage, harnessed to 16 cold-blooded whites, from where the procession follows Mostecká Street to... you’ll just have to see for yourself."

or, S.d.Ch. at PERLA

DIVUS is publishing the HUMAN TRILOGY, thus completing the publication of original dramatic texts by S.d.Ch. on high-quality paper. On this occasion, Divus will present, in a newly efflorescent paper fragment, the DRAMATIC VARLÉN SEMINAR in the form of a staged reading of its conclusion, the macabre four-act opus DEER MOAT, a funerary-apocalyptic gospel known by the false name Apocalypse in Prague, written on the basis of the didactic symbolism of the state funeral of Václav Havel and the disappointed chiliastic expectations of 2012.

Lidská trilogie

in the main roles:
PETRA LUSTIGOVÁ as Barbora Vilma Katzovská
LUKÁŠ AKI HOUDEK as Krystal Hiršberský

also with and audio accompaniment by:
Ivan Mečl, Filip Minajev, Jaroslav Tvrdoň a S.d.Ch.

directed by:

Buy Human Trilogy here.

Tři trilogie

All three Trilogy available here.


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