Umělec 2001/3 >> Jolana Ruchařová | Просмотр всех номеров | ||||||||||||
Jolana RuchařováUmělec 2001/301.03.2001 new faces | en cs |
Jolana Ruchařová, born 1972, studied art education in the Pe-dagogical Faculty at Charles University. She’s attended the Fine Arts Academy (AVU) since 1996 in Professor Michael Bie-lický’s New Media Studio (and previously in the Visual Commu-nications Studio with Professor Jiří David).
The colors of Jolana Ruchařová’s paintings are just as vivid as their themes. For example, each painting in the Four Roses series from 1998-1999 portrays four women in various situations: female cellmates in a US prison, exhausted female soldiers, female athletes who have just finished a 400-yard run, a group of strangely sinister girlfriends. After four years of studying painting, she is now attempting to break into the world of new media using computer graphics and video. Her interest in these techniques is reflected back in her painting. Some of her pictures look as if she’s been playing with a computer, running the images through various digital effects. Other times she exploits the interactive tools offered by computer games and the Internet to alter reality to her own liking using control panels.
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