Umělec 2000/3 >> KunstWerke, Mitte | Просмотр всех номеров | ||||||||||||
KunstWerke, MitteUmělec 2000/301.03.2000 Lenka Lindaurová | info | en cs |
KunstWerke, one of the largest exhibition spaces which sprang to life at the beginning of the 1990s in Berlin’s Mitte district, is currently showing a subtle exhibition of relatively unknown artists. The most interesting is, without a doubt, Paul Pfeiffer who was given the largest space, into which he installed three miniature video projections: images of a basketball player, a slowed-down detail of a ball, and a loop of a person having some kind of attack. Elegant projectors play the videos—objects make up mere points of light in the gigantic room. A barred window in a lit bedroom accompanies them, again in miniature dimensions. As a contrast, a tent is projected on a larger screen. It looks both real and fake and also works as a model for kids. Guessing from the titles of the works, such as Fragment of a Crucifixion or Poltergeist, Pfeiffer knows what he wants. He was awarded the Whitney Museum Prize this year. The miniature cities and railroads by Mick O’Shea work as a suitable counterpart to Pfeiffer’s work. Less entertaining installations by Erik Steinbrecher and Lara Schnitager occupy the first floor of KunsWerke.
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04.02.2020 10:17
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