Zeitschrift Umělec 2002/3 >> Live Broadcast Übersicht aller Ausgaben
Zeitschrift Umělec
Jahrgang 2002, 3
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Live Broadcast

Zeitschrift Umělec 2002/3


Tomáš Pospiszyl | focus | en cs

"The documentary “The Scandal of Amazona” was the work of scriptwriter Jiří Martin and director František Arlet. With typical demagogy, the program concealed many facts and blamed international imperialism or the British secret service. But Burian and Konečný’s interesting statements made up the bulk of the show. In one sequence, Konečný flipped through the book feigning surprise over images that he must have known for at least three years. “This is preposterous,” Konečný said. “I made this, but all the other things are added. All those symbols. The rest is different and made by somebody else. Jesus Christ! Well, this now … None of us has anything to do with this. We called it — the sequels we made for the commission — Amazona. This is awful, it’s dreadful. What a bastard! This is unbelievable.”
The commentary for the program said: “The painters obeyed [Sadecký] completely. We live in a time when it’s fashionable to look up to the West and sell behind the borders rather than at home; to break through in a world where they don’t talk about the artist’s consciousness related to society, where freedom of creation rules and nobody asks anybody whether this or that corresponds with morale or taste. ‘Kitsch or not, taste or not; forget about socialist morale, so long as it makes money and the accounts fill up with marks, pounds and dollars instead of crowns.’ So they drew without constraint, just to make it there, to be famous in Western circles. And Sadecký is in a hurry: ‘Now is the time to make it in the Western markets. God knows what will happen next year.’”
“I considered him my own son, I’d almost say,” Konečný said. “But after what he’s doing today... No, not today; he obviously prepared this much earlier. I think this is the lowest thing a person can do.”


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