The initiative of several leading German and Austrian cultural institutions has culminated in a major international show of contemporary art. Entitled Zeitwenden, the exhibition can be visited at Künstlerhaus and Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig in Vienna until October 1, which will follow the show in Bonn’s Kunstmuseum. According to chief curator Lóránd Hegyi the exhibition attempts to indicate what art in the near future will look like and includes works by over 90 artists from five continents. The exhibition has been realized in two separate parts. While Ludwig’s 20er Haus presents installations, videos and photographs by the stars of the global art scene ranging from Matthew Barney, Wim Delvoy, Carsten Höller, Tracey Moffatt, Pipilotti Rist to Rosemarie Trockel, the Künstlerhaus has mainly collected paintings and sculptures by artists of the older generation: Louise Bourgeois, Tonny Cragg and Franz West; as well as artists from the periphery: Cai Guo Qiang, Ays Erkmen and Bodys Isek Kingelez.
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