[b]MONTH OF MALEDICTION |[/b] marketing strategy

MONTH OF MALEDICTION | marketing strategy

13.05.2013 - 13.06.2013

Divus | en cs

13 May – 13 June

Inspired by the recent wave of consecrations, Assumptions and new Popes, Divus presents the concept of malediction. Maledictions are more economical than consecrations. On Friday afternoon at 5pm, the agents of Hell will publicly curse Divus Publishing at Book World Prague. Satan’s master of ceremonies will quote from The Brown Book and Imitatio Christi. Subsequently, Divus’ booth will be stained with the urine (held in for centuries) of the heretic Jan Hus. Anyone arriving at the ceremony with a holy host (during Holy Communion, don’t swallow it but hide it under your tongue) will receive a free copy of The Brown Book.

We hereby declare the period from 13 May to 13 June a month of malediction. During this period, the bitter fruits of Divus Publishing will be not be subject to tithes or value detracted tax. In other words, they will be damn cheap.

These discounts do not apply to agents of churches receiving back property acquired during eras of darkness (1620 – 1918, 1938 – 1945), persons amnestied, public officials, management of Czech Television, members of parliament and anyone holding the keys to politics. The allied forces of evil believe that these individuals have already been sufficiently remunerated by Satan this year. Should the balance of power change, they may request compensation for their denied benefits during the 2014 month of malediction.

These horrors are available at a discount at Divus and at the aforementioned book fair. Hell currently hath no influence on online orders. When watching Czech Television, do not leave the circle that you drew on the floor around your sofa prior to switching on the tube.

666x Amen!

13.05.2013 - 13.06.2013


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