Jindra (b. 1978) studied at the Applied Arts College in Prague, in the Illustration and Graphics Studio of professor Jiří Šalamoun, from 1997 – 2000.
Michal Jindra is impossible to categorize due to the number of genres he works in. His work could be described as either outsider art or the product of a psychologically disturbed individual, perhaps an extraterrestrial. He makes it difficult to estimate the extent to which this is due to his confused imagination, his thought processes or the untamed clamor of his subconscious. Probably all of the above blend together in the creation of his psychedelic and intelligent, original works. His comics and cartoons are typical for their childlike style, dominated by deliberate color schemes and composition tricks. Jindra uses an innocent black humor, which gives his infantile works almost terrifying dimension. The stories seem ambiguous, but they inherently radiate the hope that good will triumph over evil. Sci-fi elements in Jindra’s work are the result of his extra-social cognition rather than any tendentious factors. It is interesting to follow Jindra’s development, which can be best described as apocalyptic. It’s a shame that he was thrown out of art school.
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