DIVUS PRAHA: Šárka Mikesková | exhibition of an inventor of art | |||||||||||||
Šárka Mikesková | exhibition of an inventor of art15.05.2015 17:00 - 31.07.2015DIVUS PRAHA | en cs |
An exhibition of an inventor of art who can bring about your end of the world.For years I try to pick her brains. For years years she keeps silent, and then she writes: “Blah blah of genuineness and sincerity. But it is in the simplest way I mean it. What was I playing here, the idiot of me?”An exhibition of inventions, principles of love, death and art which do not flatter themselves. Nor do they flatter you. An exhibition of an inventor of art who can bring about your end of the world. The others may not even notice, but your world will come to its end. The inventor usually does not speak much. She creates, that’s it. Sometimes, to be able to create and invent, she has to be primitive. Especially at the beginning. Just until the moment she implements, into art, cogwheels and connecting rods, electric engines and water streams. And that poor rhyme is here on purpose to tease her. She fears pathetic gestures and useless ideological constructs. Inventors fear poetry. Everything is clear. Everything is clear. She is practical. Surely she wants to be practical. And although, in the end, it may have failed, one may still live the downfall lurking in every attempt to a miracle. And then try again. This is the way she likes it. Likes it. For years I try to pick her brains. For years years she keeps silent, and then she writes: “Blah blah of genuineness and sincerity. But it is in the simplest way I mean it. What was I playing here, the idiot of me?”
More on Šárka Mikesková
In collaboration with PLATO Ostrava
15.05.2015 17:00
- 31.07.2015
Empfohlene Artikel
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