DIVUS PRAHA: Ørjan Amundsen: The Ecstasy of Communication | |||||||||||||
Ørjan Amundsen: The Ecstasy of Communication06.07.2017 18:00DIVUS PERLA | en |
The artist will be present.Structured as a journey through a black hole, Ørjan Amundsen's latest video trilogy may be experienced as standing in the centre of one, in which a critical mass absorbs media at will. You may be cascaded with contemporaneity, in a manner warping the perception of time; still you fathom a fully formed language, which is part comprehensible, part beyond. Ørjan Amundsen's artistic practice is characterised by the use of appropriation, re-editing and manipulation of pre-existing audiovisual, literary and musical material. His works are mainly composed as video works, in which text and soundtrack are carefully integrated. He is involved in the artist collective Phuture Club, and is also makes musical performances under the name A Promise. Amundsen received his BA from the Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Art (2014), and his MA from the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art (2016). He is currently based in Bamble, Norway.
06.07.2017 18:00
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